17 October 2020

Saturday, October 17, 2020

 My sister is trying to sell her mini. If you are interested just pm me and I'll pass on her mobile. 


A regretful sale due to needing the finance for a more practical car. 

1978 Leyland mini 

Rego due 18 November 2020 ???

Seats and carpet in good condition

New hood lining

Professional bare metal respray completed in 2010.

Engine rebuilt 2011, only traveled approx 10,000 kms since.  

Original suspension replaced with rubber ball type.

Tryes 60% tread.


Seller https://www.facebook.com/bryce.cawood

Credits https://www.facebook.com/groups/44277597653/permalink/10157828883187654/

My sister is trying to sell her mini
